Hi all. I have a really large collection of CDs, which of course takes up a lot of space. I have been considering converting a lot of these to .ogg files and putting the .ogg files onto cd. I wondered how durable the CDs/.ogg files would be. In people's experience, do the CDs malfunction or the files corrupt after a period of time or do they have as reasonable a lifespan as normal CDs? Also, I had debated whether I should be converting to .ogg files or .mp3 files. I frankly like the .ogg files better. the only advantage to .mp3 files would be that I could put them on an mp3 player that plays mp3 cds. However, I do have both a laptop computer and desktop computer with sound so I don't know that this would really matter to me so much. Any advice and comments would be welcome. Thanks. Cheryl