I really wish folks would give up on the word required when it comes to subjects like what one can and cannot do with respect to access technology. I use speech for all my coding these days. No I do not do it in punctuation all or even most. I being one of the privileged in the past have had the option of using braille in many forms both paper and displayed. I have access here at home to a Braillelite 40 but still use speech. Braille is very nice but speech in my opinion is just plane faster. Braille keyboards are very nice but a qwerty one is just plain faster. I'm sure many prefer braille over speech and that is cool but nothing is required except access to the information in some fashion. Hell, my first computer I wrote and used morse code to read the screen. I hate absolutes. Kirk -- Kirk Reiser The Computer Braille Facility e-mail: kirk at braille.uwo.ca University of Western Ontario phone: (519) 661-3061