Well, the head of the MCB tech program wrote two books on assistive technology. If he is not up to speed onLinux, then it's his own problem. Smile. On Sat, 3 May 2003, Ann Parsons wrote: > Hi All, > > Igor, you can't just demand that your rehab people get you an Elba. > Yes, they don't know about Elba, and if you say the word, they look at > you like you're weird. The thing you have to do, is not just say, "I > would like an Elba." You have to do what I'm doing now, researching > it! Talk to Pelisher at Sighted. See if he will do a demo for your > rehab folks. they don't need to know as much about Linux, maybe, but > what might impress them is: long battery life, thirty-six months > warantee on braille cells, plays MP3 files *now* not next month's > release, has network card as standard, not upon request, has USB and > IR ports *now* not upon request, has larger capacity for storage, 5 > gigs if you purchase that card/thinger, coming GPS same as for > packmate, (only probably more stable because of the OS, this bit not > relevant to them). Do your homework, guy, if you want an Elba, tell > them why! Explain about your programming needs, (Elba has C compiler > upon request). > > All they care about is if it's cost effective and if it will be used > properly. Don't give 'em too much info, not unless you're talking to > their techies, and then, give fullsome detail. > > >>>>> "David" == David Poehlman <poehlman1 at comcast.net> writes: > > David> I'd start with a note to sighted electronics and I would > David> also copy my request to your congressperson. You should be > David> able to get what you need not what they think or try to > David> tell you that they need. The truth is that they don't > David> understand linux and they are geared towards windows. We > David> had the same trouble with jaws in maryland till I banged on > David> them from my position in the tech act project, brought jaws > David> in and trained them and began demonstrating it to various > David> and assundry folk who started asking for it inside and > David> outside the rehab center. > > Ah, David, just what did you mean here? Did you mean Linux or > Window-Eyes or what? You mistyped and lost your point. <smile> > > Ann P. > > -- -- Charlie Crawford