Owen, No big rush ... because the old code still works with the old speakup ... but unless I'm mistaken people can't grab the current speakup and your mods and make it work. Therefore, I suggest that somebody put the old speakup back on the web, and perhaps the software synth mods instructions should be changed to say not to use cvs (since that doesn't work right now). The old speakup 1.0 is not avaialable here: http://www.linux-speakup.org/download.html (It would be nice if people could still get the old one) I will try this once more to make sure, and post the errors I got. When compiling using the speakup 1.5 tarball I got an error that had something to do with cvsversion.h. And strangely, when I compiled from cvs version of speakup, I got a different error, something to do with /dev/synth. But speakup itself compiles fine (without the software synthesizer modifications). Maybe it would be a good idea to put the working source for speakup (older version) on your web site for now, since the code available at linux-speakup.org doesn't seem to work with it right now. -- Doug