Hey for any speakup gurus out there, I was asked recently by a developer of Curses::Widgets for Perl, "Which cursor is tracked by your reader?" (meaning speakup)? I thought with linux and kind, that there was only one cursor but this guy implied that there was a system or hardware cursor and a software cursor. I would be willing to bet that if that is the case, that speakup tracks the system or hardware cursor. Is my assumption correct. I'm trying to work with this guy to make the Curses developers package accessible to speakup like the shell script dialog facility is. It works pretty well but currently, you cannot track the cursor; it sits at the top of the window. I'm trying to change this and the developer is interested in working with me on this. If I get this all worked out, I'll be able to develop full screen curses based applications in perl! -- Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments. See http://www.fsf.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html