Hello. I have a setup here like this I have directTV DSL, and the gateway has a dhcp server, I have the network setup here like this: I have a hub with my windows 2000 and windows xp and linux machine and dsl gateway plugged in. I manually assign my internet ip address because it is a static address: eth0 then I use ip_aliasing on eth0:1 and give it the address and then I assign the other computers on my network an address from the block, and I use iptables to filter and control the nat access to the internet. I want to some how block the dhcp broadcasts my dsl modem is sending out, and to only make the linux machine send out the dhcp requests, but if for some reason my linux machine is off then I want the windows machines to grab the request from the dhcp server built in to the modem. See The windows 2000 machine is my gf's and she doesn't know or understand how to change her address to use a real ip in the case of the linux machine not working ocorrectly when I'm not home.. Also what is the best way to get h323 or netmeeting/msn chat to work behind nat? Does anyone have some good iptables scripts that will allow for netmeeting or msn chat, or aim chat, etc.. and speak freely? Right now I'm doing internet conection sharing with my windows xp machine and two nics in it, but I would take one nic out of the xp box and slap it in the linux machine to make it have a nic, I do not want to put the private network on its own physical network seperate from the dsl modem and interface that has the direct dsl connection, because I do not want her to have to move cables around, that could get into a bigger mess especially if no one is here to talk her through it.. thanks ------------------------- Patrick Turnage e-mail:pturnage at tampabay.rr.com Telephone: (850) 459-7717 HomePage: http://www.access-connect.com Amateur radio callsign:kg4dqk (EXp 2009) AOL Instant Messenger:kg4dqk icq:26862191 MSN:turnagep at hotmail.com Yahoo!:kg4dqk America Online:kg4dqk1129 kg4dqk1129 at aol.com