You know folks I've been reading all the various threads about Linux vs windows etc. How one makes you think over the other etc. I think again your comparing apples and oranges. Both are fruits, but otherwise, I think the similarities come to a quick end. The differences you are comparing are between the console or shell to a gui. Yes a shell forces you to type commands that a gui interface does not, but does that make one user better than another? No absolutely not. Not only do folks learn and understand the same thing differently, folks might just as well differ on their preference of interface. Do I think windows of any form compares in performance or quality to Linux? No way, but then we're taling os functionality and performance not user ability. Ay face the facts folks that most people are not interested in how that command is executed, but instead on how to accomplish the task as quickly as possible. Does that make them less a person? If you think so, your a sad case for sure. You then fail to recognize the differences in those around you. They all don't have to use a computer as you. Some of us are interested in what makes it tick and others are only interested in if it works. I think that is perfectly fine. To bring this entire thing into perspective, lets apply this line of thinking. If you bought a car and yeah a bad line of thought, but follow it with me. You buy this car, you likely first are concerned only with the features and its performance in getting you where you want to go. Then you have others who are not just concerned with this, but are also concerned with how to get more out of it, modifying it, and so on. Just remember also that if you continue to beat down windows users, your making a clear statement to those folks who just might be willing to try Linux and you'll be scaring them off. Besides, if your going to rag on windows users, you'd best add in the users of Gnome etc. They are using a gui as well. Off my soapbox. tnx Scott