I know this is off topic a little, but I can't find anything on it. As I reported previously, when I installed my Linksys NIC, Windows 95 disabled my sound card and said it has a resource conflict. Linux has had no trouble with it. Now, I know why. Windows uses IRQs from 1 to 15, while Linux uses IRQs above 15. For example, my modem is on IRQ 17 and my NIC is on IRQ 19. It only seems to do this with PCI devices, so I assume it's a PCI-specific feature. What I'm trying to find out is if any version of Windows can be made to use high IRQs like that, or where the feature is explained on a more technical level. I've done searches on various search engines, but can't seem to find anything. If anybody has a clue on this, let me know. Thanks.