Hello I believe zipspeak is a modified version of zipslack from slackware. Zipslack is a version of slackware Linux with a minimul set of applications and is installed in to a Ums-dos file system, this allows you to extract the zip file and then run Linux with out having to repartition your hard drive. I am not certain exactly how zipspeak differs from zipslack in what is installed but zipspeak has been preconfigured to work with speakup. I wonder though with slackware including speakup by default is there a reason to maintain the zipspeak distribution? Patrick ------------------------- Patrick Turnage e-mail:pturnage at tampabay.rr.com Telephone: (850) 459-7717 HomePage: http://www.access-connect.com Amateur radio callsign:kg4dqk AOL Instant Messenger:kg4dqk icq:26862191 MSN:turnagep at hotmail.com Yahoo!:kg4dqk America Online:kg4dqk1129 kg4dqk1129 at aol.com