I know this is off topic, but because of the situation, I thought I'd post it hear to see if I can get help. I'm not sure if any of you can help me with this or not. I'm starting school in the fall, and 1 recording for the blind doesn't have any of the books I need, and 2 as far as I can tell, I can't find text coppies of theese on the internet or places that would sell me the text coppies. I'm curious as to wether any of you have theese books, or can point me in the right direction as to where I can get them... The first two courses, CEN2880, Linux System Administration I and CEN2881, Linux System Administration II, both use the same text. This is "Linux System Administration", by Vicki Standfield. The ISBN for this text is 0782127355. In January, we will be offering CEN 2882, Linux System Security that uses as a text, "Linux Security", by Ramon J Hantanon. The ISBN for this text is 078212741X. In March, we will be offering CEN2883, Linux Domain Name Server (DNS) Admin that uses as a text, "Linux DNS Server Administration", by Craig Hunt. The ISBN for this text is 0782127363. In May, we will be offering CEN2884, Linux Apache Web Server Administration that uses as a text, "Linux Apache Web Server Administration" by Charles Auld. The ISBN for this text is 0782127347. The last required course is CEN2885, Linux Bash Shell Programming that uses as a text "Learning the Bash Shell", by Cameron Newham. The ISBN for this text is 1565923472.