You should be able to kill the mouse by killing gpm. As for your choppy sound problem, that certainly shouldn't be happening. Also, it probably has nothing to do with speakup. To satisfy yourself about that, kill speakup by pressing the Print-Screen key and play some sound files. Are you hearing this from sound files on your local hard disk? I'm probably not the one to walk you through fixing this, but this much should be established first anyway. On Sun, 3 Mar 2002, Toby Fisher wrote: > On Sat, 2 Mar 2002, Janina Sajka wrote: > > > As to whether there are pitfalls, certainly. But which would depend on > > what make and model unit you have and on how you need to use it. My > > portable is an 18 month old IBM Thinkpad T20. The primary pitfall on this > > machine is the fact that it's 9-pin serial port is turned off, by default. > > The second pitfall relates to its video system which is tricky to > > configure for X--not that we really need X just yet. Beyond that, I have > > several boot options configured in my lilo.conf that I can call up by > > single-letter aliases depending on what is (or is not attached) by way of > > a speech synthesizer at any particular time. I also use several scripts to > > switch network configurations, depending on where I am. Ditto for the > > modem. > > The system's going to be pretty basic, with the exception that when my > desktop is running Winblows, it'll use the lap top as its server for > access to the net etc, though I thoughtg of just using Samba for this. > The lap top is not a well-known model, made by a company called Pico > Systems. It has an AMD K6 450 mhz processor, 128 mb of ram and a 6.4 gb > hard drive, so nothing too problematic there. It has one of those > glide-pad mice, you know, the ones where your finger is the poointer, and > does have an infra-red port which I would like to get going at some stage, > as it will allow me to control my cellphone easily. > Beyond that, however, I'm not going to be doing a great deal with it. > > > As for presentations, I haven't worked that out myself. I do understand, > > however, that latex does good looking slides. > > Hmmm, I had thought of that myself, though I'd kind of hoped I ouldn't > have to re-do the document, with its embedded graphics, as the person who > did it originally is no longer easily contactable. > > Thanks for your help. > -- Janina Sajka, Director Technology Research and Development Governmental Relations Group American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) Email: janina at Phone: (202) 408-8175 Chair, Accessibility SIG Open Electronic Book Forum (OEBF)