Hi. I have here a Duron 600 mhz machine, 768 mb ram, using a Soundblaster Live Value sound card, ansd have a eird problem. When using my Apolo synthesiser which is serial-driven in conjunction with the sound card, the audio is broken, it is almost as if there is a scheduling problem and therefore the audio runs slower, though this only happens while the data is actually being sent to the serial port. I have the sound drivers built as modules, but other than that cannot work out why this problem may be arising. As I'm sure you can imagine, it's quite annoying as I'd like to be able to listen to music etc hile I'm using the machine. Any thoughts? As an aside, if I am to donload TRPlayer and therefore Real Player, do I still need to install the X libraries and have an X server running for the G2 player, as was the case when I last played with it a couple of years ago? I do hope not. Cheers. -- Toby Fisher Email: toby at g0ucu.freeserve.co.uk Tel.: +44(0)1480 417272 Mobile: +44(0)7974 363239 ICQ: #61744808