Thanks again for the tips on rawrite. I think I have finally got the files to transfer to a floppy. It doesn't seem to boot up with speech though. I get to a welcome to RedHat screen and when you hit enter to continue, the program stops and I'm back at a DOS prompt. I reacquired the dtlkb.bin and updat.img from the SpeakUp site. I haven't had time to do the transfer of the boot images yet. My mom spent the weekend at the hospital, and is still there. One thing I noticed, after I resorted to using the boot flopy that came with RedHat, everything seemed fine until I got to the screen that wanted a mount point. I think there is some reference in Appendix G of the Install Manual. Which I will read eventually. In a real quick nutshell, can anyone shine any light on that or what is needed on that field? from Keith H.