Here's one that I stole from Paul Davis. Hey a sightling that doesn't like html mail. Drop this in your .procmailrc if you so desire. There were some other things filtered also so I thought I'd keep them in there. Maybe someone can explain to me what the first two lines do. Have fun :0 Wh: msgid.lock | formail -D 8192 $MAILDIR/msgid.cache :0 B * \<[hH][tT][mM][lL]\> * !^Content-Type /dev/null :0 B * (charset=euc-kr|[sS]\.1618) /dev/null :0 B * ^Content-Type: application /dev/null :0 B * you have received this message in error /dev/null :0 B * ^I send you this file in order to have your advice /dev/null -- Frank Carmickle phone: 412 761-9568 email: frankiec at