Speaking of allowing hosts to connect to your machines have a little problem of my own here. On my little network I don't run dns so I access my different machines by their hostnames. One thing I notice is that when I'm not connected to the internet with my firewall machine when ever I try to make an ftp connection to my machines the setion hangs. I suspect this is the ftp server trying to resolve the dns hostname. How do I get the default ftp server on RH 7.2 to look for the hostname in /etc/hosts instead of querrying dns. I don't seem to have this problem when using ssh though. Any help would be cool of how I can fix this. This gets rather annoying if I don't have a connection to the world. Thansk. Tommy -- Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ men just upload their important stuff on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it ;) -- Linus Torvalds, about his failing hard drive on linux.cs.helsinki.fi