Hi, Dave: Here's the lilo.conf that you sent earlier this evening. I have some comments which I've marked JANINA and END/JANINA: boot=/dev/hda map=/boot/map install=/boot/boot.b compact timeout=0 JANINA: A timeout of 0 will not get you the opportunity to specify what you want to boot--because you've given yourselv 0 tenths of a second to do that. I suggest at least 100 here, better still something like 500 which would be 50 seconds; END JANINA message=/boot/message lba32 default=win serial=0,9600N8 image = /boot/vmlinuz JANINA: This presumes you've got something called /boot/vmlinuz, right? It's probably a symbolic link to your actual kernel. END/JANINA label=litetalk alias = l vga=0X317 JANINA: Whether this command works right on your system depends on your video and whether your kernel has support for frame buffers. For me, it gives me a screen of 48 rows and 135 columns. Your mileage may vary. END/JANINA read-only root=/dev/hda2 append = "speakup_synth=ltlk hdc=ide-scsi hde=ide-scsi" JANINA: Unless you really have two IDE CD ROMS, one in /dev/hdc and the other in /dev/hde, and you have scsi emmulation available to your kernel, you should get rid of everything after ltlk, except the closing quotation mark, obviously. My reason for this is that I have an IDE CD ROM burner, and cdrecord only talks to scsi devices, so I need to use scsi emmulation to burn CDR's. Ditto to all of this below. END/JANINA image = /boot/vmlinuz label=bns alias = b vga=0X317 read-only root=/dev/hda2 append = "speakup_synth=bns hdc=ide-scsi hde=ide-scsi" other=/dev/hda1 optional label=win alias =w JANINA: You should be able to launch any of these three with just your alias plus enter. So, w enter should start windows, and l enter should start linux with speakup support for the litetalk. END/JANINA table = /dev/hda -- Janina Sajka, Director Technology Research and Development Governmental Relations Group American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) Email: janina at afb.net Phone: (202) 408-8175 Chair, Accessibility SIG Open Electronic Book Forum (OEBF) http://www.openebook.org