A java applett is a small program. In my work I have seen these in actual use. The doctor's office points a web browser to a site. It loads several applets and then appears to be a complete program. They schedule appointments, and enter charges after you see the doctor. Java is used to make this actually behave just as a program taht might be written instead of looking like a bunch of web pages. When a different screen is needed a new applett loads up. The nice thing is that when a change or update to teh program is needed I don't have to go load it on the computers. It happens automatically when the company that markets the program causes the web page that loaded these to expire. Then the new version is automatically downloaded and they now work with an updated program. The effect is to combine the best of a termainl program running over a telnet session with a "real" program that actually runs some checks on the data at the client end. ======= Kirk Wood Cpt.Kirk at 1tree.net One of the most overlooked advantages to computers is... If they do foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little. -- Joe Martin