If someone knows of a driver I can download for making a winmodem work under DOS would appreciate that. Please write me ofline though as know it's not applicable to this O/S. Thanks! - Amanda P.S. specifically, after applying patch to make DOS workable in Windows ME need to hopefully get the modem working too. On Sun, 23 Sep 2001, Thomas D. Ward wrote: > Hi, as far as I've known USB modems are supported under Linux.However, you have to make sure you have kernel, and module support for USB devices, and have the USB modems compiled in or as a module. > Also it is worth a shot to try the Lucent Win Modem driver, and see if that works.In a few cases that has gotten some good resaults for getting some Win modems to work under Linux. > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: djden > To: Speakup at braille.uwo.ca > Cc: suse-blinux at suse.com > Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 4:30 AM > Subject: USB modem with Linux? > > > Hello > I am using SuseBlinux with hardware speech synth and Braille display on com1 and 2. I only have a winmodem which uses virtual comport 4 and will therefore not work with Linux. I only have two physical comm ports on my machine. > Is there any way around this? I wonder if any USB modems are supported in Linux - specifics would be helpful? > I do not think software speech is fully developed yet and the Apollo2 is very responsive. > Any help welcomed please. > Thanks. > >