Hi Saqib I see your documentation on the Slackware CD, good work. I take your points regarding SuSE. What I was thinking of may doing was obtaining Slackware, Debian, maybe Redhat as well as SuSE. As I understand it, it should be possible to import packages across distributions. Therefore, if I could somehow get a SuSE kernel compiled to include Speakup, then I'd have the best of both worlds. But I do take your point about a lot of SuSE being X stuff, it sure is. Regarding my partitioning problem, I think another reply to my message may hold the solution to this problem. Looks as though it is to do with the way my system is laid out. I shall investigate that one further I am finding this list most helpful in many respects, so thanks to everybody who contributes. One more question if I may. Do you know of a beginner's guide to Linux anywhere?. At 10:02 16/09/01 +0100, Saqib Shaikh said: >Hello there Gordan, > >This is Saqib Shaikh; I wrote the Speakup documentation that comes with >Slackware. Firstly I agree that SuSE did something very good by including a >braille screen reader within their distribution. However, there are a few >points to bear in mind: >1. You have 7 CDs and a DVD but there is only half a CD of console apps! >Most of the extra stuff, like VMWare demo, StarOffice, RealPlayer, Adobe >Acrobat and the list goes on, are only accessible through X. I still think >SuSE is a good distro, but also remember that SuSE started off as Slackware >with RPM support, and then they began adding lots of X stuff. In short >Slackware is good especially to start off with. In terms of partitioning >your hard disk have you tried: >cfdisk /dev/hdc >That is pass the disk name as a parameter. >Email again if you require further info. > >Saqib > > > > > >_______________________________________________ >Speakup mailing list >Speakup at braille.uwo.ca >http://speech.braille.uwo.ca/mailman/listinfo/speakup Kind regards, Gordon Smith. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "mailto:Gordon Smith <gordon at tft-bbs.co.uk" "mailto:Gordon Smith <07932634539 at one2one.net" http://www.tft-bbs.co.uk> ftp://ftp.tft-bbs.co.uk ftp://ftp.tft-bbs.com ftp://ftp.tft-bbs.org.uk ICQ: 23973878 MSN Messenger: gordon at tft-bbs.co.uk Tel.: +44 7932 634 539 Fax.: +44 1642 357 754