Hi Folks: I was wondering if there were any among you that would be interested in taking over the maintanance and care of the speakup audio web page. I feel it is an important resource to the blind linux community which could not only be more useful but invaluable as a source of online audio. It needs more love than I have time to give it currently. The only time I realize something is wrong as in links getting changed is when someone writes and notifies me. I have no way of knowing how long this state has been until someone bothers to notify me. There are audio interviews, lectures, non-commercial radio streams such as cbc and bbc, radio reading services and acb radio style broadcasts which many people find and use through the web page. It would certainly be helpful to me and a benefit to the entire community if someone were willing to take this on as a labour of love. This page has the potential to be truely wonderful. Kirk