Hi thomas: I have put up what I hope are corrected boot disks for Slackware. The url for these disks is: ftp://ftp.braille.uwo.ca/pub/speakup/disks/slackware/slackware-8.0/bootdsks.144 I have installed with the speakup.s image and PPP is working ok. I haven't tried to get sound working on this installation, but, I had to get alsa and compile and config it myself. There are others on the list with a lot more experience with sound than I have. I had to get some help the first time I did it. I'll have to wait until I get more time before I tackle it again. But, at any rate, if you use the kernel from the speakup.s image on the speakup ftp site, PPP should work. The root disk on the slackware distro is fine--just the boot disk. I hope this is of some help.