Hi Tom: That's a good idea to have extra keymaps. Seems to me just a couple of weeks ago there were a number of volunteers going to take the keymap problem in hand so to speakup. They have all ridden off into the sunset. Least ways, I haven't heard anything from them recently. As Janina has already mentioned Bill Acker has a laptop keymap available which we should place on the web site. I have a polish keymap submitted by Pawel Loba which I am happy to share around. I guess we really need a keymaps subdir on the linux-speakup..org site. Hmmm, speaking of that, there has been another group of folks coming up with a new website for us. They too seem too have been eaten up by the round-to-it sharks! 'grin' Kirk -- Kirk Reiser The Computer Braille Facility e-mail: kirk at braille.uwo.ca University of Western Ontario phone: (519) 661-3061