Hi Steve: Personally, I would recommend ncurses for your interface. Web apps are fine but they do not give you the same control you have with good ol' ncurses. I believe a personal check book/finance package would be a great project. I suggest your review what is available first so you don't end up writing something which may already be available with a lot less work on your part. The individual man pages for the ncurses functions are the best source of specific information. Curses.3 is a general overview and there are individual pages for most of the functions. There is also a library package called cdk which stands for curses development kit which provides some higher level functions and good documentation. Of course looking through some simple code is the best way to see how the functions are used in real life. good luck. Kirk -- Kirk Reiser The Computer Braille Facility e-mail: kirk at braille.uwo.ca University of Western Ontario phone: (519) 661-3061