I'm running Redhat Linux 7.0, with the out-of-the-box kernel 2.2.16. my running of the install script in the kernel source dipectory appears to work correctly. To configure the kernel, I did "make oldconfig", and answered the questions on speakup. My synthesizer of choice is the braillenspeak. I select this, and no other synthesizers. When the configurator asks for the default synth, I enter "bns", even though this is only a three-letter string (it wants 4-6). Should I enter something else? The "make dep" step goes ok. The "make modules" generates some warnings, but no errors. The "make modules_install" goes apparently well. Now, I want to make only a floppy version of this kernel, so, I do "make zdisk". This fails with an error--something like "undefined reference to speakup-control". If it might help, I'll email someone a private message, with the entire output from "make zdisk". Any ideas? for the time being, I'm using my bns as a vt100, with the "brailleterm" utility running on the bns. Thanks for any help, Dave Hunt