Hi Many thanks for those who have helped me set up my mail on my linux box. As you can see, I've managed to subscribe on the Speakup list from my linux box. I wondered if I could trouble you a little further and ask for help on tweeking the system. I'd like to automate the process and have an inbox with my other mail folders in /home/Gena. I've installed mutt but can't point to my mail files. However, I'm going to spend some time on the manual which is bound to give me some tips. For the time being, I'll use pine. Could someone tell me how I can get pine to save an inbox with my other mail files? So that when I connect, fetchmail collects my mail and it is stored on this machine in my inbox. As root, can I run an automated script that makes a ppp connection and fetches Gena's mail and then disconnects? If so, how would I do this? AH, Just has a message that pine couldn't open a temp file for the spell checker. Ummm do I need to reate one? How do I tell pine about it? Sorry for any typos. Gena