Being a new user myself, I can answer a few of your questions, but I'll leave a couple to the experts on this list. I'll answer your questions directly, the answer immediately after your question. At 09:12 AM 12/31/01 -0500, you wrote: > Greetings, I am a JAWS user with a Gateway Celeron and usb >connections. I have purchased a SUSE LINUX software package. I would >appreciate answers to these questions: 1. When will Tuxtalk be >available? I have no clue. Experts? 2. What is the general price range for a hardware >synthesizer? It depends whether your looking for something for internal or external connection. I'm partial to the DoubleTalk line from RcSystems myself, both for their reliability, low price, and high quality. You can find details about the DoubleTalk Pc and DoubleTalk Lt at: There's also another products called TrippleTalk, in both a pci internal card and usb connection models, but I can't remember the web site for that off the top of my head. The nice thing is all of these synths cost about or under $400. 3. Does this software help solve installation probvlems? Not sure. Experts? > 4. What synthesizer will connect properly with my system? It all depends on the type and age of your system. The Doubletalk pc is an ISA board for older machines, the DoubleTalk Lt connects to a standard 9-pin serial port, Trippletalk Pci connects to a pci slot on recently built computers, and the trippletalk usb connects to the usb port on your computer. However, connecting a synth to a port makes the synth a tad less responsive than its internal card counterpart, so I'd go with an internal synth if possible. 5. Would I be better off to first try zipspeak? Being a new user still testing out linux, I'd say yes. That way, at first, you don't have to monkey around with partitioning a drive or buying a second drive, you can get your feet wet to see if you like linux before you waste the money on something you won't. PS: I have not unwrapped the >package yet so I can see your answers. Chuck Kyle Jason Symes