I really doubt you will find the command prompt disappear from linux. First, you need to understand the nature of X and how most major programs have been written. But you also need to understand the psychie of the programers. I will actually start by pointing out that many (maybe most) of the linux world programers LIKE the command promt. They can get many jobs done uick and easy at the prompt by using shell commands. But then you get to the architecture. X encourages a split architecture and conforms to this itself. When you realize that you can actually use X to control another machine (like telnet) you start to understand. There is the display part, and the work part. This allows great flexibility and has given rise to programs that run on the command line yet control an X app. Then you get into many great apps that you will only find on the command line. I know of only one program in Linux to burn your CDs. The is cdwrite. Every other app I am aware of merely controls this command line app. There may be some complete solutions, but I am not aware of them. If you look around you will find others. Finally, realize that even on the Mac OS, you can now controll the thing at the prompt. This is the Unix way. ======= Kirk Wood Cpt.Kirk at 1tree.net The mind is like a parachute; it works much better when open. If you're too open minded, your brains will fall out.