If someone knows the answer to this one, I would appreciate your suggestions. I have an sblive sound card and am using the alsa drivers. Everything is working fine - except for one peculiarity concerning how my speakers are connected. I have two pairs of speakers - one pair is amplified and the other is not. I have the amplified speakers connected to "line out" on the sound card, and the unamplified pair to "speakers". I would prefer to abandon the unamplifiked speakers, but when playing a CD sound source or a "line input" source, it is only the unamplified speakers that can produce sound output - the amplified speakers connected to "line out" are silent. I cannot figure out why. I use the alsa mixer program "amixer" to set such things as volume, capture, mute, etcetera, and when I play a CD the settings are "on" and "capture" - "mute" is not selected. I do not see anything in the amixer output that I recognize having any bearing on this issue, the silencing of "line out" when playing CD or "line input" sources. If anyone has any ideas, I would sure appreciate hearing them. I would be happy to post a copy of my amixer ouput if that would be helpful - it is not that big. Thanks - Chuck Visit me at http://www.mhonline.net/~chuckh The Moon is Waxing Crescent (11% of Full)