Victor, The problem of dependancies when selecting individual packages is exactly the problem I am talking about. The fact is, that all distros have this same kind of thing going on (as far as I have seen). You don't have something that raises red flags when selecting individual packages to let you know about dependancy requirements. My ideal situation would allow you to go through individual packages (grouped by what they do) and select them. It would then either automatically take care of dependancies (with a way to see what was automatically selected) or just keep a list of unfulfilled dependancies. Ideally it would allow you to see just how many packages were resting on a dependancy. (As an example you might see a lot of packages requiring libc but only one or two requireing a more obscure library.) I would also use this oportunity to allow you to sellect what server to install if you say you would like to have smtp server. Most distros of course select sendmail for this. They figure it does everything. But many people don't need everything. -- Kirk Wood Cpt.Kirk at ------------------ Seek simplicity -- and distrust it. Alfred North Whitehead