Hi Matt! Congratulations on the release of trplayer! It looks like a much needed addition to the arsenal... I have just implemented a "filter" to pull an http address out of a .pls or .m3u file and pass it along to an mp3 player - I have been playing with mpg123 since I cannot run freeamp on this system - and so I substituted trplayer for mpg123 in my scripts. On the speakup audio page, I find that trplayer works great on all the .ra and .ram links, and also on the acbradio .pls link, but on Kirk's egoplay.pls link it is silent for a while then gives up. Does that link work for you with trplayer? mpg123 will not handle it either, but gives sporadic bursts of sound until it too gives up. My connection is a 33.6 dialup modem. Chuck. My web site is http://www.mhonline.net/~chuckh A well adjusted person is one who makes the same mistake twice without getting nervous.