Hi gang! I have mpg123 configured to accept .pls and/or .m3u files that contain an http address of an mp3 audio stream, so freeamp is on hold at the moment. Question: On the speakup audio page, I am able to get the link to acb radio okay, but Kirk's "egoplay" link is disappointing - I hear a period of music, then a pause, then music, etcetera, each lasting maybe 200 to 400 milliseconds each - no continuous sounds. What is happening here? My processor load is quite small when this is going on, so it must be inadequate modem speed. Buffering mpg123 does not change the behavior. Is the stuff on the egoplay.pls a greater bandwidth or something? Regards - Disappointed. (AKA - Chuck.) My web site is http://www.mhonline.net/~chuckh A well adjusted person is one who makes the same mistake twice without getting nervous.