Hi I believe this was the bug that it was supposed to fix. If you know how to program in C, edit speakup_dtlk.c and change synth_portlist[] to only include your port, and the ending 0. If you aren't a C programmer, forget I said it. For some reason, kernel 2.4.0-test1 has a device probing problem and this is what I did to get my internal doubletalk to work after Kirk told us on the list that's what we had to do. I'm not a very good programmer myself but I'm learning. On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, Ryan M. wrote: > Hi. I tried Speakup version 0.09a with Linux version 2.4.0-test1 and an > internal doubletalk, and Speakup didn't find my internal doubletalk. My > internal Doubletalk works with Speakup 0.09 and Linux version 2.2.16, so > I'm guessing it is a bug in Speakup 0.09a. I attached my kernel messages > from when I booted 2.4.0-test1 to this message. Thanks. > > >