Hi Well, it's not that hard if you actually make use of lynx's search key. Press /, type player 7, and press enter. You should land on a link saying realplayer 7 still available. Hit it. Then search for player 7 basic. You'll find it. It will say "realplayer 7 basic is our free player". That's the link you want, so hit enter on it. After that, the download form is just like any other. There's no odd label placement, the form itself is perfectly accessible to speech. I cannot see one bit, so I do it all through speech. On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Kirk Wood wrote: > Real Player Plus offers better video as well. In fact, the only benifit > they advertise is purely visual. As for the problem, go back and look. If > you have listened to a screen reader for a few minutes the answer should > be obvious. I have to look closely to find the right thing and I can > see. If one has to rely on what is said.... > > Consider for a moment that the last page before you get to the information > form has 7 links for the purchase product and 1 for the free product. This > is a trend that has become quite typical. Few sites give you information > in a clear fassion. > > -- > Kirk Wood > Cpt.Kirk at 1tree.net > ------------------ > > Seek simplicity -- and distrust it. > Alfred North Whitehead > > > > _______________________________________________ > Speakup mailing list > Speakup at braille.uwo.ca > http://speech.braille.uwo.ca/mailman/listinfo/speakup >