Hi guys. The images for debian 2.2 with speakup support are now on the ftp site in the speakup area in /pub/speakup/debian directory on bumpy. Right now there's just tha standard 1.44 meg images for the default installation kernel, the kernels for all the synths that are supported by speakup 0.09b, the base files and driver disks. To install deebian with speakup support all the standard methods can be used. The only difference is that you'll have to install the drivers and kernel from the floppies or the drivers.tgz file and disk images because when you install the drivers off of the cd it will use the kernel image that's on the cd which you don't want. Also you'll probably have ot install the base files off of the disks or base2_2.tgz file but if you don't want to then you can just replace the keymap file after the install, but I'm working on a way to have cds of debian with speakup support so that you can do everything off of the cd. This should be comming up in a week or two. Anyways, have fun with this new adition to the ftp site and tell me how things work out. Also another thing I want to add that if there's anyone who needs an disks that are on the cd that aren't in the speakup area let me know and I'll make one. No need ot have 5 copies of each type of boot disk on the ftp site if there's no real demand for it, but don't hesitate to ask if you need one that isn't there. thanks. Tommy.