Hi Geoff, Are there any man pages for debian apps on the internet? Since I just have the base system insalled for Debian, there aren't yet any man pages. I have RedHat still available on another partition, but the Debian-spoecific man pages aren't there. On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Geoff Shang wrote: > Hi: > > Once you've done an apt-get update, you can use the apt-cache program to > look at available package lists. Useful commands are: > > apt-cache search <expression> search for packages containing > <expression> in their descriptions. Good to pipe through more > apt-cache show <packagename> List full details for the given package > > Do a man apt-cache for more info. > > Geoff. > > > > -- --terry Name: Terry D. Cudney Phone: (905)735-6127 E-mail: terry at wasagacottage.com WWW: www.wasagacottage.com Postal: 18 Colbeck Drive, WELLAND, ON L3C 5B5