Actually, in debian, I turned the no_ppp_on_boot to ppp_on_boot, so for now it does it, but it won't dial if the connection ever terminates without me stopping it. It seems that persist doesn't do what it should, it should dial immediately after disconnect, or at least close after, it seems not to do it, as I've been away for an hour or two from the machine, left it in linux, and it wasn't online when I returned, persist would've put it back online. I think, though, that diald thing is a waste, don't want to make a new call every time I do something internet related. Setting the ip address was another issue, I think I had to put a colon or period after it otherwise it said my ip was a nonvalid option, although the system on my isp's end would probably give me the right address, figured it was faster to just specify it.