Hi Ajish,
From an earlier mail [0] I got the impression that you tested on an
arm platform – did you?
Yes, with respect to my previous mail update, at that time got the
chance to load the driver on ARM server/enclosure connected in one of
our tester's arm server after attaching the controller card.
There this error handling issue was observed.
The card/driver was never tested or validated on ARM server before,
was curious to see the behavior for the first time. Whereas driver
loads smoothly on x86 server.
Currently busy with some other issues, debugging on ARM server is not
planned for now.
OK, since you do see this same/similar issue with another card on arm then I
think that it is safe to assume that it is a driver issue.
If you can share the dmesg on the arm machine then at least that would be
Right now the arm configuration is not available. Will be difficult
to get dmesg.
By adding (enabling) a tonne of debug logs in the the driver and
enabling heavy kernel debug config options mount+umount works reliably.
So it looks like a timing issue / memory barrier issue - yuck. Since the
issue is so reliably produced it seems unlikely to be a barrier issue.
There are lots of files in the shost sysfs folder - can any of these be
used to help debug?