On 10/5/20 11:18 AM, Muneendra Kumar M wrote:
Hi Hannes,
i->starget_attrs[count] = NULL;
Why did you move it to be a 'starget' attribute?
I would have thought it should be an 'rport' attribute, seeing that it's
intrinsic to the fc transport class.
[Muneendra] Correct me if my understanding is wrong.
You want this to be part of /sys/class/fc_remote_ports/
rport-X\:Y-Z/port_state instead of
Under rport we already have an attribute of port_state which is currently
used to show the port_state.
/sys/class/fc_remote_ports/ rport-X\:Y-Z/port_state
We can add the store functionality to the same to set the port_state.
Is this approach fine ?
That was the idea, yes.
Dr. Hannes Reinecke Kernel Storage Architect
hare@xxxxxxx +49 911 74053 688
SUSE Software Solutions GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg
HRB 36809 (AG Nürnberg), Geschäftsführer: Felix Imendörffer