On Wed, 2018-11-28 at 17:44 +-0100, David Disseldorp wrote: +AD4 Hi Bart, +AD4 +AD4 On Wed, 28 Nov 2018 08:36:19 -0800, Bart Van Assche wrote: +AD4 +AD4 +AD4 Maybe I'm missing something, but why is zeroing of unused bytes in these functions +AD4 +AD4 necessary? Would the following be correct if all strings in struct t10+AF8-wwn would be +AD4 +AD4 '+AFw-0'-terminated? +AD4 +AD4 Your patch looks good to me. Mind if I tack it on to the end of my +AD4 t10+AF8-wwn.vendor/model/revision+AFs-size+-1+AF0 patchset, with your authorship? Sure, that sounds fine to me. Bart.