On Fri, 2018-10-12 at 12:01 +-0200, David Disseldorp wrote: +AD4 +-void iscsit+AF8-fill+AF8-cxn+AF8-timeout+AF8-err+AF8-stats(struct iscsi+AF8-session +ACo-sess) +AD4 +-+AHs +AD4 +- struct iscsi+AF8-portal+AF8-group +ACo-tpg +AD0 sess-+AD4-tpg+ADs +AD4 +- struct iscsi+AF8-tiqn +ACo-tiqn +AD0 tpg-+AD4-tpg+AF8-tiqn+ADs +AD4 +- +AD4 +- if (+ACE-tiqn) +AD4 +- return+ADs +AD4 +- +AD4 +- spin+AF8-lock+AF8-bh(+ACY-tiqn-+AD4-sess+AF8-err+AF8-stats.lock)+ADs +AD4 +- strcpy(tiqn-+AD4-sess+AF8-err+AF8-stats.last+AF8-sess+AF8-fail+AF8-rem+AF8-name, +AD4 +- sess-+AD4-sess+AF8-ops-+AD4-InitiatorName)+ADs There have been too many problems with strcpy() and buffer overflows in the past. If the source and destination strings both have the same size, please add a BUILD+AF8-BUG+AF8-ON() statement that verifies that at compile time. If that not's the case, how about using strlcpy() to make it easy for anyone who reads the source code that no output buffer overflow will occur? Thanks, Bart.