On Sun, 2018-07-15 at 18:16 -0500, Mike Christie wrote: +AD4- This adds a function to remove a session which should be used by +AD4- drivers that use target+AF8-setup+AF8-session. +AD4- +AD4- All the drivers but iscsi and tcm+AF8-fc were doing calling +AD4- transport+AF8-deregister+AF8-session+AF8-configfs and then immediately calling +AD4- transport+AF8-deregister+AF8-session or just calling +AD4- transport+AF8-deregisteir+AF8-session. +AF4AXgBeAF4AXgBeAF4AXgBeAF4AXgBeAF4AXgBeAF4AXgBeAF4AXgBeAF4AXgBeAF4AXgBeAF4AXg- transport+AF8-deregister+AF8-session? Anyway: Reviewed-by: Bart Van Assche +ADw-bart.vanassche+AEA-wdc.com+AD4-