Hi Chanwoo, I think it doesn't help on the benchmark I suggested that is doing only memory accesses. With both timer, I have the same timing. To test the benchmark with these new patches about timer: git clone https://github.com/wwilly/benchmark.git \ && cd benchmark \ && source env.sh \ && ./bench_build.sh \ && bash source/scripts/test_dvfs_mem_patched.sh The benchmark is set by default to run for 1s, but you can increase this by tweaking the script as: taskset 8 ./bench_install/bin/microbe_cache 33554431 0 9722222 <TIME in sec> ${little_freq} Also, as I reported the issue, would it be possible to add a Reported-by: Willy Wolff <willy.mh.wolff.ml@xxxxxxxxx> ? Many thanks in advance. Best Regards, Willy