Hi, I'm a newbie trying to see if the rt patch will improve the performance of a PPC Linux receiver. We need to read data from an FGPA correlator about every msec although we can tolerate 5-10 msecs from time to time. Without the real-time patches, we find that we sometimes miss our timing deadlines especially when we have multiple processes with "real-time" (SCHED_FIFO) threads. I tried to use the patch to see if it helped, but things got much worse. We have about 30-60 percent idle CPU without the patches... after applying the patches, I found that we had essentially no idle time. Below are excepts from the kernel sched_switch trace file while our process is running with and without the real-time patches applied. I notice there are IRQ-related processes with the real-time patches that don't exist in without the patches. But the main thing to notice is that there is no idle time which eventually causes the process to crash because low priority threads are starved for too long. Am I doing something wrong or is it expected overhead of the real-time patches will cause problems like this under this kind of interrupt load? Thanks, David rx-10082 [000] 2123.751923: 10082: 50:R + [000] 181: 49:D IRQ-151 rx-10082 [000] 2123.751942: 10082: 50:R ==> [000] 181: 49:R IRQ-151 IRQ-151-181 [000] 2123.751989: 181: 49:D + [000] 10081: 48:D rx IRQ-151-181 [000] 2123.752006: 181: 49:D ==> [000] 10081: 48:R rx rx-10081 [000] 2123.752065: 10081: 48:T ==> [000] 181: 48:D IRQ-151 IRQ-151-181 [000] 2123.752095: 181: 48:D + [000] 10081: 48:T rx IRQ-151-181 [000] 2123.752116: 181: 49:D ==> [000] 10081: 48:S rx rx-10081 [000] 2123.752209: 10081: 48:R + [000] 900: 49:D IRQ-18 rx-10081 [000] 2123.752345: 10081: 48:R + [000] 4: 49:D sirq-timer/0 rx-10081 [000] 2123.753061: 10081: 48:D ==> [000] 181: 49:D IRQ-151 IRQ-151-181 [000] 2123.753184: 181: 49:D ==> [000] 900: 49:R IRQ-18 IRQ-18-900 [000] 2123.753231: 900: 49:R + [000] 181: 49:D IRQ-151 IRQ-18-900 [000] 2123.753304: 900: 49:D ==> [000] 4: 49:R sirq-timer/0 sirq-timer/0-4 [000] 2123.753366: 4: 49:D ==> [000] 181: 49:R IRQ-151 IRQ-151-181 [000] 2123.753442: 181: 49:D ==> [000] 10082: 50:R rx rx-10082 [000] 2123.753482: 10082: 50:R + [000] 181: 49:D IRQ-151 rx-10082 [000] 2123.753502: 10082: 50:R ==> [000] 181: 49:R IRQ-151 IRQ-151-181 [000] 2123.753549: 181: 49:D + [000] 10081: 48:D rx IRQ-151-181 [000] 2123.753565: 181: 49:D ==> [000] 10081: 48:R rx rx-10081 [000] 2123.753626: 10081: 48:T ==> [000] 181: 48:D IRQ-151 IRQ-151-181 [000] 2123.753655: 181: 48:D + [000] 10081: 48:T rx IRQ-151-181 [000] 2123.753676: 181: 49:D ==> [000] 10081: 48:S rx rx-10081 [000] 2123.754014: 10081: 48:R + [000] 900: 49:D IRQ-18 rx-10081 [000] 2123.754511: 10081: 48:D ==> [000] 181: 49:D IRQ-151 IRQ-151-181 [000] 2123.754597: 181: 49:D ==> [000] 900: 49:R IRQ-18 IRQ-18-900 [000] 2123.754654: 900: 49:D + [000] 181: 49:D IRQ-151 IRQ-18-900 [000] 2123.754708: 900: 49:D ==> [000] 181: 49:R IRQ-151 IRQ-151-181 [000] 2123.754787: 181: 49:D ==> [000] 10082: 50:R rx rx-10082 [000] 2123.754826: 10082: 50:R + [000] 181: 49:D IRQ-151 rx-10082 [000] 2123.754844: 10082: 50:R ==> [000] 181: 49:R IRQ-151 IRQ-151-181 [000] 2123.754903: 181: 49:D + [000] 900: 49:D IRQ-18 IRQ-151-181 [000] 2123.754930: 181: 49:D + [000] 10081: 48:D rx IRQ-151-181 [000] 2123.754946: 181: 49:D ==> [000] 10081: 48:R rx rx-10081 [000] 2123.755006: 10081: 48:T ==> [000] 181: 48:D IRQ-151 IRQ-151-181 [000] 2123.755036: 181: 48:D + [000] 10081: 48:T rx IRQ-151-181 [000] 2123.755058: 181: 49:D ==> [000] 10081: 48:S rx rx-10081 [000] 2123.755799: 10081: 48:D ==> [000] 900: 49:R IRQ-18 IRQ-18-900 [000] 2123.755903: 900: 49:D ==> [000] 181: 49:D IRQ-151 IRQ-151-181 [000] 2123.755960: 181: 49:D + [000] 10081: 48:D rx IRQ-151-181 [000] 2123.755977: 181: 49:D ==> [000] 10081: 48:R rx rx-10081 [000] 2123.756033: 10081: 48:T ==> [000] 181: 48:D IRQ-151 IRQ-151-181 [000] 2123.756063: 181: 48:D + [000] 10081: 48:T rx rx-2440 [000] 642.061841: 2440: 48:S ==> [000] 2451: 72:R rx-2451 [000] 642.061979: 2451: 72:R + [000] 2447: 50:S rx-2451 [000] 642.062015: 2451: 72:R ==> [000] 2447: 50:R rx-2447 [000] 642.062205: 2447: 50:S ==> [000] 2451: 72:R rx-2451 [000] 642.062303: 2451: 72:S ==> [000] 905:120:R telnetd-905 [000] 642.062503: 905:120:R + [000] 2440: 48:S telnetd-905 [000] 642.062560: 905:120:R ==> [000] 2440: 48:R rx-2440 [000] 642.062798: 2440: 48:S ==> [000] 905:120:R telnetd-905 [000] 642.063368: 905:120:R + [000] 2440: 48:S telnetd-905 [000] 642.063427: 905:120:R ==> [000] 2440: 48:R rx-2440 [000] 642.063747: 2440: 48:S ==> [000] 905:120:R telnetd-905 [000] 642.063996: 905:120:S ==> [000] 0:140:R <idle>-0 [000] 642.064275: 0:140:R + [000] 2440: 48:S <idle>-0 [000] 642.064362: 0:140:R ==> [000] 2440: 48:R rx-2440 [000] 642.064580: 2440: 48:S ==> [000] 0:140:R <idle>-0 [000] 642.065170: 0:140:R + [000] 2440: 48:S <idle>-0 [000] 642.065257: 0:140:R ==> [000] 2440: 48:R rx-2440 [000] 642.065437: 2440: 48:S ==> [000] 0:140:R <idle>-0 [000] 642.066070: 0:140:R + [000] 2440: 48:S <idle>-0 [000] 642.066156: 0:140:R ==> [000] 2440: 48:R rx-2440 [000] 642.066352: 2440: 48:S ==> [000] 0:140:R <idle>-0 [000] 642.066969: 0:140:R + [000] 2440: 48:S <idle>-0 [000] 642.067056: 0:140:R ==> [000] 2440: 48:R rx-2440 [000] 642.067364: 2440: 48:S ==> [000] 0:140:R <idle>-0 [000] 642.067872: 0:140:R + [000] 2440: 48:S <idle>-0 [000] 642.067958: 0:140:R ==> [000] 2440: 48:R rx-2440 [000] 642.068167: 2440: 48:S ==> [000] 0:140:R <idle>-0 [000] 642.068770: 0:140:R + [000] 2440: 48:S <idle>-0 [000] 642.068857: 0:140:R ==> [000] 2440: 48:R rx-2440 [000] 642.069032: 2440: 48:S ==> [000] 0:140:R <idle>-0 [000] 642.069668: 0:140:R + [000] 2440: 48:S <idle>-0 [000] 642.069755: 0:140:R ==> [000] 2440: 48:R rx-2440 [000] 642.069956: 2440: 48:S ==> [000] 0:140:R <idle>-0 [000] 642.070569: 0:140:R + [000] 2440: 48:S <idle>-0 [000] 642.070655: 0:140:R ==> [000] 2440: 48:R rx-2440 [000] 642.070851: 2440: 48:S ==> [000] 0:140:R <idle>-0 [000] 642.071529: 0:140:R + [000] 2440: 48:S <idle>-0 [000] 642.071722: 0:140:R ==> [000] 2440: 48:R rx-2440 [000] 642.071866: 2440: 48:R + [000] 2451: 72:S 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