On 1/5/24 11:23 AM, Claudiu wrote: > From: Claudiu Beznea <claudiu.beznea.uj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > > Do not apply the RX CSUM settings to hardware if the interface is down. In s/CSUM/checksum/? > case runtime PM is enabled, and while the interface is down, the IP will be > in reset mode (as for some platforms disabling the clocks will switch the > IP to reset mode, which will lead to losing registers content) and applying > settings in reset mode is not an option. Instead, cache the RX CSUM Same here... > settings and apply them in ravb_open() though ravb_emac_init(). Through? > Commit prepares for the addition of runtime PM. > > Signed-off-by: Claudiu Beznea <claudiu.beznea.uj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [...] MBR, Sergey