Having written the ingenic-remoteproc driver I am trying now to write
something a bit more advanced than a hello-world. Something like a
case-invert program for starters. However I'm having a hard time trying
to figure out how things work.
My resource table is as follows:
struct resource_table_hdr {
struct resource_table header;
uint32_t offset[3];
struct {
struct fw_rsc_hdr header;
struct fw_rsc_carveout carveout;
} carveout;
struct {
struct fw_rsc_hdr header;
struct fw_rsc_trace trace;
} trace;
struct {
struct fw_rsc_hdr header;
struct fw_rsc_vdev vdev;
struct fw_rsc_vdev_vring vrings[2];
uint8_t config[0xc];
} vdev;
const struct resource_table_hdr resource_table
__attribute__((used, section (".resource_table"))) = {
.header = {
.ver = 1,
.num = ARRAY_SIZE(resource_table.offset), /* Number of resources */
.offset[0] = offsetof(struct resource_table_hdr, carveout),
.offset[1] = offsetof(struct resource_table_hdr, trace),
.offset[2] = offsetof(struct resource_table_hdr, vdev),
.carveout = {
.header = {
.carveout = {
.da = 0xf4000000,
.len = 0x2000,
.name = "firmware",
/* Trace resource to printf() into */
.trace = {
.header = {
.type = RSC_TRACE,
.trace = {
.da = (uint32_t)trace_buf,
.name = "trace",
/* VirtIO device */
.vdev = {
.header = {
.type = RSC_VDEV,
.vdev = {
.notifyid = 0,
.dfeatures = 0,
.config_len = 0xc,
.num_of_vrings = 2,
.vrings = {
[0] = {
.align = 0x10,
.num = 0x4,
.notifyid = 0,
[1] = {
.align = 0x10,
.num = 0x4,
.notifyid = 0,
The firmware is properly loaded and I get debug prints in my trace
buffer. However, my vrings' .da fields don't seem to be initialized to
anything meaningful at all. Then I use the virtio/vring code from
and calling vring_print() shows that my vring_desc's addresses are
garbage as well.
Is there an example on how to write a basic I/O remoteproc program?