Hi Dante, please don't use this list for this type of debugging. Maybe you encountered an MPA timeout and the connection already closed. Let's take it off this list. I am going to look into it. Thanks, Bernard. From: Dante Van Poucke (UGent-imec) <Dante.VanPoucke@xxxxxxxx> Sent: Friday, March 7, 2025 3:30 PM To: linux-rdma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [EXTERNAL] rselect() timeout only happens once on SoftiWARP System information Linux Distribution: Ubuntu 20. 04 LTS Kernel Version: 5. 4. 0-33-generic InfiniBand Hardware: SoftiWARP modinfo siw: filename: /lib/modules/5. 4. 0-33-generic/kernel/drivers/infiniband/sw/siw/siw. ko alias: rdma-link-siw license: System information Linux Distribution: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Kernel Version: 5.4.0-33-generic InfiniBand Hardware: SoftiWARP modinfo siw: filename: /lib/modules/5.4.0-33-generic/kernel/drivers/infiniband/sw/siw/siw.ko alias: rdma-link-siw license: Dual BSD/GPL description: Software iWARP Driver author: Bernard Metzler srcversion: 5450ABB35545870E9970346 depends: ib_core,libcrc32c retpoline: Y intree: Y name: siw gcc version: gcc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0 Steps to Reproduce Compile and run rsever.c and rclient.c. (gcc -o rclient rclient.c -lrdmacm) Press enter on client side after 10 sec, and again after 10sec... Expected behaviour (behaviour for server.c and client.c): Waiting for connection on port 12345... Client connected. Waiting for data... Timeout: No data received in 5 seconds. Timeout: No data received in 5 seconds.. Received: Hello from RDMA client! Timeout: No data received in 5 seconds. Timeout: No data received in 5 seconds.. Received: Hello from RDMA client! Timeout: No data received in 5 seconds. ... Actual behaviour: Waiting for connection on port 12345... Client connected. Waiting for data... Timeout: No data received in 5 seconds. Received: Hello from RDMA client! Received: Hello from RDMA client! ...