RE: [PATCHv4 next 0/3] Limiting pci access

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-----Original Message-----
From: Bjorn Helgaas [mailto:helgaas@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2017 10:05 AM
To: Bolen, Austin <Austin_Bolen@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: keith.busch@xxxxxxxxx; gregkh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; lukas@xxxxxxxxx; linux-pci@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; bhelgaas@xxxxxxxxxx; wzhang@xxxxxx
Subject: Re: [PATCHv4 next 0/3] Limiting pci access

[Responding inline, per linux mailing list convention]

Hi Bjorn,
Responding in-line per convention.  It becomes a bit jumbled when I do so, probably because of my email client, so I'll tag my comments with [AB] ... [/AB] so I can keep it straight.  Hopefully it is readable on your end.

Hi Austin,

On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 01:12:40AM +0000, Austin.Bolen@xxxxxxxx wrote:
> I know of two ways that are being discussed on how to handle this in a 
> generic way that don't require a priori knowledge of what the register 
> value should be.  Both have tradeoffs.  It may be that neither are 
> acceptable from OS standpoint or both are. I'm interested in your 
> perspective and if neither are acceptable, then it will be great to 
> get your thoughts on if there is anything that could be added to the 
> PCIe Base Spec to provide the OS with an acceptable way to handle 
> these types of errors.
> 1. Check Vendor ID Register If 1's are returned on a config read then 
> read the Vendor ID.  If the Vendor ID also returns 1's (which it will 
> if the device is removed) then we know with certainty it is an error.
> On removal events, we see this check working in practice.
> How the check above can fail:  It is possible (though we've not been 
> able to replicate this failure IRL) that a device could be removed 
> causing all 1's to be returned for the data and by the time the error 
> checking code in the config read API reads the Vendor ID, a new device 
> has been inserted and Vendor ID returns a valid value (the config read 
> API would need to be really slow or get suspended or otherwise stalled 
> for a large amount of time). An operating system could probably add 
> some sort of co-ordination between this error checking code in the 
> config space API and the operating system's PCIe hot-plug driver 
> (perhaps using dev->is_removed or the like as the proxy) to cover this 
> corner case and make this bullet-proof but I'm not sure if it's 
> necessary.
> This mechanism would work for PCI and PCIe.

I like this idea, and if we do go down the route of trying to reliably return PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND, I think we'd have to do something like this at least for conventional PCI.  I don't think it would help much to make a mechanism where drivers would have to check for errors differently for PCI vs. PCIe devices.

I do wonder about the MacOS guidance Lukas pointed out [1].  It sounds like MacOS drivers are expected to handle 0xFFFFFFFF data values, both from config reads and MMIO config reads.

Does that mean MacOS considered and rejected this idea (reading Vendor ID to check for device removal) for some reason?  Or maybe MacOS config accessors don't return success/failure indication?  Or maybe MMIO accesses can't return success/failure and they wanted the same failure model for both MMIO and config space?

I think there's some value in having similar driver expectations for MacOS and Linux, to make it easier for developers who work on both OSes.


We have a very similar guidelines.  I can't speak for why MacOS has these guidelines, but we have them because OSes typically do not do the check.  If the OSes do the check, then that would be our preference to avoid every caller having to do it.

Regarding reading vendor ID, it seems the MacOS guidelines are very similar: "If 0xFFFFFFFF is a legal value for a particular register offset, one additional read of a different register, which is known to never return 0xFFFFFFFF is the preferred mechanism for determining if the device is still connected. "

They do not specify which register that is "known to never return 0xFFFFFFFF" you should read but Vendor ID is the de facto standard choice as it is a register that can never be all 1's for any device.  Assume that would be ok for MacOS as well. Since the OS will not, in general, know when all 1's is valid, it would need to always check.

> OSes could choose to not handle this in the core config space APIs and 
> require all software entities that may access a device's config space 
> (PCI bus driver/device driver/systems management software/diagnostic
> utilities/etc.) to perform this check (what we do today).
> 2. Use the Root Port Programmed IO (RP PIO) mechanism The PCIe Spec 
> architected way is to use RP PIO extensions which were added in the 
> PCIe 3.1 specification (see section and 7.31) as part of the 
> Enhanced Downstream Port Containment ECN.  This ECN added status bits 
> in root ports for the various errors (Unsupported Request, Completer 
> Abort, Completion Timeout) that could occur due to a failed non-posted 
> request (Configuration Space access, MMIO access, IO access), TLP 
> Header Logs to determine the which device is associated with the 
> failure, and a synchronous exception mechanism to notify the operating 
> system.  This mechanism was intended to solve all corner cases for 
> these types of failures.
> This feature won't be available in products for some time and is 
> optional so all root ports may not implement it.
> This feature is PCIe only so won't work for PCI.  Is this a 
> deal-breaker?

The config accessors (pci_read_config_word(), etc.) currently work for PCI and PCIe devices, and the caller doesn't have to know the difference.  I want to preserve that, so I don't want to add PCIe-specific accessors.  But it's conceivable that the accessors could internally do something different for PCI vs. PCIe.

Understandable.  One thing on hot-plug PCI... this sort of thing may not be necessary for PCI so perhaps it would be ok with a single config accessor that did different thing internally depending on whether or not it was PCI or PCIe.  PCI hot-plug devices are shielded from a lot of this because they follow the Standard Hot-Plug Controller model.  In this model, the driver has to be quiesced and power removed from the slot.  Therefore, Keith's patch to check if the device is present at the start of the routine should suffice.

There is a corner case where a config transaction could get out to the device just before power to the slot is turned off.  Checking for all 1's after the read would catch this case.

The reason I mention this new RP PIO mechanism here is that it is more robust than the all 1's check.  The all 1's check will probably suffice for config reads since there are already accessor routines and they are serialized.  The other PCI Express non-posted requests (mem read, io read, config write, io write, and AtomicOp) may require the RP PIO mechanism.  For now I'm just focusing on config read to set a baseline but long term would like to see errors from removal events being handled for all non-posted requests.

We currently serialize all config accesses system-wide, which I think is unnecessarily strict for ECAM, so I would like to relax it.  It sounds like this mechanism might require serialization at least at the Root Port level to do this synchronously.  

The RP PIO mechanism should not require serialization.  It should work for MMIO which is not currently serialized on most OSes.  There are some talks on building a proof-of-concept in Linux to show how it would work.

On the topic of relaxing the requirement to serialize ECAM access, I'll throw in my .02.  There are some weird corner cases you can get into on PCIe power down sequence that can lead to Completion Timeout Errors if config accesses are not serialized (though there may be other ways to handle this).  There may also be other scenarios that currently rely on the fact that all OSes serialize config access.  I would be hesitant to make a change like this on the servers that we ship.  Might be safer to leave default as is and allow the user a knob to un-serialize if they know for certain it is ok in their current operating environment.  But I'd like to better understand the problems being seen with serializing config accesses today.  Is this for performance optimization?

> Unlike option 1, this mechanism most likely cannot be used by anyone 
> but the OS so this work cannot be pushed to the caller.  There would 
> be no way to co-ordinate ownership of the RP PIO registers amongst the 
> many software entities that may access a device's config space (PCI 
> bus driver/device driver/systems management software/diagnostic
> utilities/etc.)

If we want a change in this area, I think we have to figure out what the benefit would be.  The current situation is that drivers should check for 0xffffffff data and treat that as an (unreliable) indication that the device was removed.  We can't change all those drivers, so I think we have to preserve this behavior.

Agree the behavior has to be preserved.  Looks like Keith's patch return's all 1's as the data even in failure so that it works the same way for drivers that check all 1's.  If we used the RP PIO mechanism it could also return all 1's as the data.

We could also make the accessor return something like PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND (in addition to returning data of 0xffffffff), which might be a more reliable indication.

In that case, would we change the message to driver writers from "treat 0xffffffff data as possible removal" to "treat PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND as removal indication"?

I think drivers could either check for error return code or check for all 1's or both.  New drivers can just check the return code (or check all 1's if they really want to).  Old drivers can continue to check all 1's or they can update to check the error return code if they want.

If PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND were reliable, that would be an improvement.  But maybe we could get most of that benefit by adding a new "pci_device_removed(dev)" API that uses one of the mechanisms you mention?  Then the guidance could be "if you read 0xffffffff, use
pci_device_removed() and act accordingly."  That's an incremental change and makes it easier to maintain a driver that works across old and new versions of Linux.

That may be a good middle ground.  The tradeoff here is that well written code that does check the return code does not need to change if the API does that check and returns error.  Only code that does no checks would need to change.  With this proposal, the code that currently checks the API status would also need to change but at least they don't have to invent their mechanism to determine device presence.

For MMIO/IO, something like this may be needed anyway.  My understanding is that in Linux the convention is to read MMIO directly from the driver rather than using an OS accessor routine so you'd either need an MMIO accessor routine or a way for the driver to manually check for presence when it receives all 1's data back.

You mention other entities (systems management, utilities, etc.) above.  I don't really know what the tradeoffs are there.  Obviously they wouldn't use the Linux accessors directly, so the strategy there might not have to be the same.  Maybe the wrappers they use could use one of these mechanisms.

Our management tools typically install a small driver that provides low-level access including to config space.  I believe they do use operating system calls to read config space today so they would also benefit.  So all OS produced config access mechanisms callable by driver or application would need to return error for these device removal cases.  I can check into which mechanisms our tools use in Linux to access config space.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bjorn Helgaas [mailto:helgaas@xxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 3:17 PM
> To: Bolen, Austin <Austin_Bolen@xxxxxxxx>
> Cc: keith.busch@xxxxxxxxx; gregkh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; 
> lukas@xxxxxxxxx; linux-pci@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; bhelgaas@xxxxxxxxxx; 
> wzhang@xxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [PATCHv4 next 0/3] Limiting pci access
> Hi Austin,
> Thanks a lot for bringing some more PCIe spec expertise.  I wish we had more insight into what the spec authors were thinking because I'm sure we often miss the point and cause face-palms on the committee.
> On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 12:44:34AM +0000, Austin.Bolen@xxxxxxxx wrote:
> > To add to what Keith sent, I wanted to throw in my 2 cents on this 
> > issue.  Full disclosure - I'm not a Linux developer and so my 
> > thoughts on this are more from the PCIe Base Specification point of 
> > view and specifically, hardening the spec to better support PCIe 
> > hot-plug for storage use cases (NVMe) and providing better guidance 
> > in the PCIe spec on how system software can interact with the PCIe 
> > subsystem to better determine/handle the sort of errors that arise 
> > in PCIe removal scenarios.
> > 
> > From Dell EMC side, we would definitely like to see the config read 
> > routines in all operating environments return an error status code 
> > any time data is synthesized by the root port - but especially for 
> > failures due to device removal.  Today, if bad data is synthesized 
> > by a root port due to a failed config read, the config read routines 
> > in various operating environments do not return an error.  We, and 
> > others, have found cases where the caller of these config routines 
> > will consume the bad data since the API did not return an error due 
> > to this type of failure.  Most folks have been patching up every 
> > caller to check if data is synthesized after every config read.
> How exactly do the callers do this?  By checking for all ones data?  It's legal for a config register to contain all ones, of course, so checking for all ones by itself is not definitive.  A driver does have additional knowledge about what registers exist and what their legal contents are, but of course, the config accessor in the core does not.
> > This is not very efficient as there are many entities that read 
> > config space (device driver, bus driver, systems management
> > software, diagnostic software, etc.).   This patch, or similar,
> > is very beneficial because it localizes the error checking for 
> > synthesized data to a single location in the core config read APIs 
> > rather than distributing this code to every caller.
> This sounds like you mean checking for synthesized data in the PCI core.  How can we figure that out?  Is there something in the root port that can tell us the data was synthesized?
> Is there a way to do this check for both conventional PCI and PCIe, since we use the same config accessors for PCI and PCIe?
> We support many host bridges and most of the time (x86 platforms with ACPI) we have no bridge-specific support in Linux, so anything we do in the core would have to be pretty generic.  I'm sure this is all obvious, so I apologize for restating it.  I'm just not sure what the concrete details should look like.
> > The callers benefit by only requiring a simple check of the return 
> > status code from the API (which many are already doing).
> Very roughly, I'd guess about 10% of current Linux callers check the status code:
>   $ git grep "pci_read_config" | wc -l
>   2922
>   $ git grep "pci_read_config" | egrep "if \(pci| = pci" | wc -l
>   219
> But I certainly agree that the current API is hard for callers to deal with.
> > Having the check for a removed device before reading config space 
> > will result in correctly returning an error for most failures of 
> > this nature.  There is a race condition even with this patch, 
> > however.  If the device is present when the check occurs, but is 
> > removed just after that and before the config read goes out, the 
> > config routine can still return bad data without an error status 
> > return code.  To eliminate this race condition where bad data is 
> > returned, I think that config read routines will need to have a 
> > check *after* reading the data in addition to the check *before* 
> > reading.  The check after reading would need to determine if the 
> > data was synthesized and return and error status if so.
> > 
> > I'm interested in hearing what others think on returning an error 
> > for this case in the core config read APIs or any alternative ways 
> > to more gracefully handle these types of errors.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Austin

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