Re: [PATCH v2 7/8] PCI/AER: Add AER sysfs attributes for log ratelimits

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On Mon, Mar 3, 2025 at 12:31 AM Karolina Stolarek
<karolina.stolarek@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In my opinion, we want them to be separate. We may want to see no logs
> of errors but still have them recorded in rasdaemon, for example.

Understood. So the sysfs toggles could be something like:

aer/ratelimit_irq_enable (with default = off)

This assumes that IRQ ratelimiting part is able to be merged.

FYI, the current implementation ratelimits for both logs and trace
events, but increments AER counters. If there's a scenario where you'd
want no logs but have trace events sent, then we may need another
ratelimit and/or roll that into IRQ ratelimiting (to avoid trace
buffer/userspace agent getting inundated with events). Granted, there
is probably a higher tolerance for spam there than in console logs.

If that's desirable, maybe it could be a follow-up as well? I figure
this series is at least a good first step to handle any spam (vs.
status quo).


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