Il 16/11/24 09:18, Lorenzo Bianconi ha scritto:
Airoha EN7581 has a hw bug asserting/releasing PCIE_PE_RSTB signal causing occasional PCIe link down issues. In order to overcome the problem, PCIe block is reset using REG_PCI_CONTROL (0x88) and REG_RESET_CONTROL (0x834) registers available in the clock module running clk_bulk_prepare_enable in mtk_pcie_en7581_power_up(). In order to make the code more readable, move the wait for the time needed to complete the PCIe reset from en7581_pci_enable() to mtk_pcie_en7581_power_up(). Reduce reset timeout from 250ms to PCIE_T_PVPERL_MS (100ms). Signed-off-by: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@xxxxxxxxxx>
Reviewed-by: AngeloGioacchino Del Regno <angelogioacchino.delregno@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>