On Tuesday 01 March 2011 10:47 AM, Taneja, Archit wrote:
On Monday 28 February 2011 06:21 PM, Valkeinen, Tomi wrote:
On Mon, 2011-02-28 at 02:47 -0600, Taneja, Archit wrote:
Introduce functions which request and release VC's. This will be used in panel
drivers in their probes.
omap_dsi_request_vc() takes in the pointer to the omap_dss_device, the VC_ID
parameter which goes into the header of the DSI packets, and returns a Virtual
channel number (or virtual channel register set) which it can use.
omap_dsi_releae_vc() takes the omap_dss_device pointer and frees all VCs which
were used by that device.
Initialisation of VC parameters is done in dsi_init().
Signed-off-by: Archit Taneja<archit@xxxxxx>
+int omap_dsi_request_vc(struct omap_dss_device *dssdev, int vc_id, int *channel)
+ int p = dsi.num_vc_used;
+ if (p>= 4) {
+ DSSERR("cannot get VC for display %s", dssdev->name);
+ return -EINVAL;
Should we return -EINAVL when all VCs are used? Could we put -EBUSY or
-ENOSPC instead?
+ }
+ dsi.vc[p].dssdev = dssdev;
+ dsi.vc[p].vc_id = vc_id;
+ *channel = p;
+ dsi.num_vc_used += 1;
+ return 0;
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